Month of RESPECT

Respected All,

Welcoming you all to the month of RESPECT… Let’s practice this month by building awareness of RESPECT, believe it, and remind ourselves every single day that we will be respectful if we respect others. Perform your learning through actions and position the mindset on RESPECT that you have learned / practiced throughout month…

So, let’s start with Appreciation. All of you have already received some sticky notes onto your desk. Do write some nice words or appreciate your colleagues through sticky notes and stuck them on their desk. Give them surprise with your nice words that you didn’t tell them yet…

Make them smile, make them enthusiastic, make their day and make them alive… You never know, your small appreciation can make future leader, who can be your future follower. Earn RESPECT and Be respectful towards all…   

Warm Regards,

Shahnaj Sharmin
Project Manager

BankUltimus Operations

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